Jackson finishes preK tomorrow; this year flew! It's time to celebrate his teachers' efforts and all they did for my baby boy.
At Christmas, we were informed that in Alabama there was some law passed that government workers couldn't receive gifts. This was to keep politicians from being bribed. Unfortunately, this also encompasses teachers. We haven't been informed if it has been amended, so I am playing it on the safe side with something simple. Jackson also has 1 teacher and 2 aides, so unfortunately I can't be too generous. They deserve so much more!
I searched {pinterest} for cute ideas and found one that was doable. When I was teaching, I received an insulated cup with a top and straw and still use it to this day. I hope it will be something his teachers can use as well.
I found the cups at Old Time Pottery on sale for under $4 each. The original idea used drink mixes, but I decided to go with candy. Mainly because it was on sale at CVS and I got Extrabucks for buying a certain amount. I even found gum that looks like little ice cubes!
I found the cups at Old Time Pottery on sale for under $4 each. The original idea used drink mixes, but I decided to go with candy. Mainly because it was on sale at CVS and I got Extrabucks for buying a certain amount. I even found gum that looks like little ice cubes!
I put it altogether, printed out the tags that {Lisa Storms} created (really cute and ready to go!), had Jackson sign his name on the backs of the tags, and we were done. Easy, not too expensive, and cute!
What teacher gifts have you created?

Love this idea! I too have gotten the tumblers and have water-to-go packs, notepads, and have made coasters(idea from Pinterest-that uses scapbook paper and mod podge). They turned out great, super easy,not too time consuming and didn't break the bank either. I think the candy,gum idea is a great filler. The tags are perfect. Thanks!