Our community will be having a yard sale this weekend, and as I get ready for it, I thought I would compile a list of dos and don'ts for those having a yard sale.
- If it is possible to time your yard sale with a big yard sale event, do it! This could be your community, a friend or family member's community, your church, etc. It's free advertising and also draws more of a crowd.
- If your timing isn't right for #1, ask others if they would like to have a yard sale with you. This allows you to split the cost of advertising, and it looks a lot better when there are multiple families involved. You can advertise in your local paper and craigslist for starters.
Put out signs that are clear to read and have big arrows pointing your way, even if you are part of a community yard sale. We are in the back section of our neighborhood, and people told us if it weren't for our signs they never would have known about our little area. It is also so frustrating when you see a yard sale sign but can't figure out where to go! Including the address if you can is also helpful.
- Set big ticket items towards the front. Because I am a yard saler myself, I know from experience that drive-bys happen. You have to get potential customers' attention before they even step out of the car. If they can't see your merchandise, they are not as likely to stop.
- Try to get your merchandise in the best shape possible. It is a turn off to see stains or spots on things I would potentially be interested in buying. If it's dirty, people might lose interest.
- Display your merchandise so that it is easy for people to look through. We are trying to hang all of our clothes so that they can easily be seen. You can always take your hangers back when they pay. Also try to spread out other items on tables or tarps so th people can see them at a glance and don't have to dig through boxes to find things.
Price to sell! Aren't you having a yard sale to get stuff out of your house? We have a rule that whatever is put in the yard sale is not allowed to come back into the house. Leftover items are donated to Goodwill (which you can then write off on your taxes!). It's a win-win situation. You get a little money for the things you no longer treasure, and you get rid of clutter.
- Mark your prices clearly. It will alleviate a lot of frustration from people constantly asking you how much things cost. You can either mark each item individually or make signs for like items. For example, I sell all of my boys clothes at the same price so that I don't have to tag each piece. I write the price on the front of the boxes so that people can immediately see it.
Have change. Make sure to have all different denominations, because most people get $20s at the ATM. Don't miss out on a sale because you can't make change! Also, have someone in charge of the money so that you know where it is at all times. We even take our bigger bills inside as needed just in case.
- Collect grocery bags so that you can offer them to your customers.
I'm sure I have left some great tips out that you can share. Please let us know of any other helpful hints when having a yard sale.
really like this advice on yard sales...all your comments make great sense and after years of going to and having them on occasion I agree 100% with them...your blog is terrific...love and hugs Aunt Taffy