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Herbs and Berries Garden Boxes

We have finally finished all of our projects in the backyard that we set out to do this summer!  My big focus was our herb and berry garden on the side of the house.  Check out here to see the details of building the boxes.

We dug up the grass, which is very difficult, so we only did along the top of the boxes to even out the ground a little bit.  The grass we dug up from the boxes, we used to fill bare spots around the rest of the yard.

I am too cheap to buy weed mat, so we used wet newspaper to cover the grass that was left in the boxes.  We placed the newspaper over the grass and then sprayed it down with the garden hose.  I am crossing my fingers that the grass doesn't work its way through!
We added the good kind of soil over the beds before we added our plants.  Since the beds ended up being so big, I let Ryan plant berries in the top bed (I don't even eat them!).  The bottom bed is a variety of herbs.  Lowe's had them on sale for $1.50 each!  They're usually $3.48.  We got a variety of mint, basil, rosemary, parsley, and a few others to try.  

Another thing I tried was buying green onions from the store and planting them.  I started them in a pot, and they took off like wild fire.  I have transplanted them into the bed.
We also covered the beds with mulch to help keep the moisture in and the weeds out.  This was also on sale at Lowe's for $2.50 per 2 cubic-foot bag.  I love good deals!

Once our plants take off, we're able to make and can tomato sauce and salsa using pretty much only ingredients from our gardens.  Mmmm!

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