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Repurposed Armoire

It's finally finished!  I am in love with my newly repurposed armoire.  The final step was building shelves, which I am so thankful my dad helped me complete.

I wanted to try to make the shelves without having to do anything permanent to the armoire. We built frames from scrap wood that my dad happened to have and some pieces we bought from the store. The side pieces are 2"x2". The brackets were 3/4"x2". The middle bracket was bigger in order to hold a pull out shelf. The actual shelves were 1/2" particle board.
Here's the finished shelf:
 I couldn't leave it like this, though. I had a choice to stain it or use contact paper left over from the drawers. The easier and more practical solution was the contact paper. I did have to use some Elmer's glue to keep the contact paper attached to the the edges.

Here is the finished product with a few close-ups of the different sections.
I still have to get a skeleton key to lock the door.  That's why it's propped closed.

The only thing I wasn't able to figure out was how to attach anything to the door with the mirror.  I made sure to leave that shelf far enough back so that if I have any brilliant ideas, it won't get in my way.
Now I have no excuses not to get my scrapbooking finished!

If you missed any of the previous steps to creating this wonderful piece, click on the links below to check them out. 
Empty Armoire
Part 1
Paper Organizer
Part 2
Part 3


  1. Erin,

    This looks wonderful - so professional!

    Well done!


  2. I am seriously impressed. What a great idea. I've got an old smaller TV armoire that I am hoping to re-do for the grandkids toy and such. But I am in need of fun inspiration. I love the pockets on the right side door!
