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Happy Independence Day!

I hope everyone is having a great 4th of July so far!  We are recuperating from a trip down to Fairhope, AL to visit my grandparents, so our holiday is going to be pretty low key today.
That doesn't mean we can't show our patriotism!  I decorated our front door with a few red, white, and blue accents.

The USA letters I found in the dollar bins at Target a few years ago.  I got the welcome sign on sale after the 4th.  (The best time to find decorations for a big discount is right after the holiday!)
I also put out our little flags along the flower beds in the front.

These buckets were also in the Target dollar bin along with some red, white, and blue glass star plates.  These are some of the accents I put up in my house.

Some other easy ways we show our patriotism is by wearing red, white, and blue.  It's fun to see all of the other cute outfits as we travel around the town!
I have also pulled out dinnerware in those shades.  Our plates are already blue, so I got some serving platters and bowls from my Christmas collection to add the red.  We are keeping it very simple with our dinner and serving a rotisserie chicken (on sale at Publix), pasta salad, and a salad with the vegetables from our garden.

Ryan picked out some fireworks to light off tonight "with" the boys.  We find there are enough people around us that create their own shows, it's more of a chore to pack up and go somewhere.  The fun is all around our house!

How are you celebrating Independence Day?

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