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Packing for a Trip

We are back from our trip to Fairhope, Alabama visiting my grandparents, and I can't wait to share some of the things that made our vacation a little easier.

This is something I've been doing since we first started traveling with the boys, which helps make packing more organized. I pack each outfit into a gallon storage ziploc bag.

I figure out how many outfits I will need and label the bags with each of the boys' names and the number for the outfit. The number really came in handy this time, because one of my bags had fallen behind the dryer. I knew it was missing, because I didn't have all of the numbered bags.  

Make sure to include extra outfits! We used all of Brady's since he is recently potty trained.

As I am doing laundry, I can organize the outfits into the bags. When I have all of the pieces, I squeeze out as much air as possible (They don't wrinkle!) and pack them into the suitcase.
The boys enjoyed being able to pick their own outfits while we were in Fairhope. I enjoyed knowing that their clothes would match!

I even used some of the ziplocs for my outfits and added jewelry pieces that matched. It really did help me get ready faster.
You might find me linked with I Heart Nap Time, Positively Splendid, Heatherly Loves, Kayla Creations, Debbiedoo's, A Stroll Thru Life , The Thrifty Home, Beyond the Picket Fence,
Six Sisters' Stuff


  1. Cool Erin, how fun. You are sooooo organized there girl!

  2. That's a wonderful tip. I've done it too, and it certainly makes traveling easier. Your blog is great! I found you from the Newbie Link Party.

  3. Wish I had thought of that when my kiddos were younger. :) Found you at the Newbie Party.

  4. This is the way to pack! I'm a new follower coming from a blog hop! I would love if you followed back at www.iheartpears.blogspot.com
