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Yard Sale Finds #2

I am just now getting to post my finds from yesterday's yard sale treasure hunt! We have had a busy weekend between baseball and yard work.
Ryan had a Math Tournament at his school (sounds so nerdy!), so we had to take the boys with us. That led to more toy buying, but I felt like our efforts were really successful.
We hit a few single yard sales, and ended at two community sales. Those are the best, because you can hit a lot in a short amount of time.
My best find was a pond liner for $10. We've been talking about starting a pond, and at that price, I figure we'll get around to it at some point! I also found some car window shades, white twin sheets, and a cutting board.
The boys got a Razor for $5 but needs a new battery, a Star Wars ship, baseball glove and a stick to practice your swing, rain boots, puzzles, and a Diego stuffed animal. I will also be able to use Diego for Brady's upcoming birthday party, which is a Diego theme. 
I found a t.v. tray that matches one we already have. It is great to have another one, because we use the trays to eat dinner during movie night.
The best find was one of those toys that's a stick with a ball attached by a rope that you try to catch. My son asked how much it was, and the man told him "Free." He asked if he could get it, and when I said yes, he was so excited. I don't think he realized I didn't have to pay for it!

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