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Thrift Store Shopping

I am letting you in on another family secret... We love thrift stores! It's very similar to yard sales, where you can find unexpected treasures.
Goodwill Industries International logo
My favorite is Goodwill. They still  seem to have the lowest prices among thrift stores. In addition to finding great deals, you also know that your purchases are helping others.

They carry a large variety of items, as well. You can get clothes for anyone in the family, furniture, books, linens, household items, crafts, etc.

It is still quite an experience if you've never gone to a thrift store before. In order to find those treasures, you have to search. There is a lot that will make you wonder about the previous owner, but as you're looking through, you come across something that's perfect, and it makes all the digging worth it. That's part of the game!

Some days you will come home with tons of bags full of "new" things; other days you might be empty handed. Patience is a must for this kind of shopping.
The best part of thrift store shopping is finding the days for even bigger discounts. For example, on the first Saturday of each month, everything is 50% off in the Tennessee Valley Goodwills. My mom and I get up and drive about 45 minutes to the nearest Tennessee Goodwill to make sure we are there when the doors open at 8:00. You'd be amazed by the line of shoppers waiting to get in sometimes!

It is still hit or miss, but getting it all for half price makes it worth the drive. The last time, I got two lamps for our master bedroom, $25 for both.
What are some of your exciting thrift store discoveries?

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