This isn't the most exciting part of Brady's birthday, but it does save money. Instead of using wrapping paper that is bought from the store, I use comics from the newspaper to wrap the boys' gifts. This is a trick passed down from my mom.
My thought is that the paper is just going to get ripped off anyway, so why waste money on pretty store-bought paper? Brady didn't notice the difference. Neither did Jackson, his older brother, who probably opened more of Brady's presents than he did!
There are a lot of cute ideas for recycling items to use for wrapping paper. Another thing I've used are the brown paper bags from the grocery store. You can even have the kids color or stamp the bags to decorate the present.
We also save gift bags, tissue paper, and bows that are still in good condition. I stash them in my gift "closet" (under-bed containers) to use at a later time.
What have you recycled for gift wrap?
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