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Birthday Morning Surprise

I can't believe my baby's 3! We already have a balloon wreath hanging on the door to announce his birthday. To make the day special, I had some other things in store for Brady.

Ryan and I blew up a bunch of balloons to put in his room so Brady could wake up to a fun surprise. I was inspired by Crafty Moods, who put helium-filled balloons in her child's room. I don't have a helium tank, but I thought it would be just as fun to put a bunch around on the floor. I pictured covering the whole floor, but Ryan ran out of air before we got that far. I was just appreciative that he went along with my crazy idea!

We corraled them in the living room until the morning and quietly placed the balloons in their room before the boys woke. It was a good thing I decided to do that, because Jax woke up in the middle of the night. That would have been interesting!

The boys had so much fun with this, and the playing lasted all day. We now have balloons decorating the whole house!

Here are some pictures of the fun:
before he woke (Yes, he sleeps in his flip flops!)
When he finally saw the balloons, he pointed them out to his brother.
Then the fun began!

I couldn't help myself with all of the pictures.  The boys were just so cute!

Here are more birthday surprises:
Sprinkle Pancakes
Birthday Pancakes
Wrapping Paper
Wrapping Paper
Birthday Wreath
Birthday Wreath

You might find me linked with I Heart Nap Time, Positively Splendid, Heatherly Loves, Kayla Creations, Debbiedoo's, A Stroll Thru Life , The Thrifty Home, Beyond the Picket Fence


  1. Oh my gosh! What a cutie pie. Thanks for sharing with the newbie party.

  2. this is so cute and the more pictures the merrier :)The kids are adorable

    My grandson is going to be three next month ...I will share this idea with his parents! :)

  3. Oh how fun and such a sweet pea. Happy Birthday. Hugs, Marty

  4. Oh that looks like fun! Adorable little boy!
