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Herb Wreath

I am loving the benefits of having our {herb garden}!  In a {Home Made Simple} pamphlet, they had directions to make an herb wreath.  Their directions called for a wreath frame and floral wire, and I was thinking more along the lines of using what I already had in the house.  This is what I got:
Unfortunately, I still have not learned to take pictures of what I'm doing step by step, because I never know how they will turn out.  So I'll just break down the steps for you.
  1. Use a wire hanger, and bend it into a circle.  I left the hanger part alone, because I figured I could use it to hang up the finished product.  Depending on where you will hang it, you might want to bend the hanger part back a little bit.
  2. Cut fresh herbs from your herb garden (or buy some at the store).  I used mint and lavender for this one, but you can pick any that give off a nice aroma.
  3. Arrange them in bunches of 3 to 5 branches and tie them together.  I used clear fishing line, because that's what I had on hand.  The original directions called for floral wire.
  4. Use the fishing line or whatever you're using to tie the bunches to the hanger loop.  I also wrapped some of the branches around the wire to make them a little more secure and hide the wire.  Once you like how it looks, trim any extra string.
  5. Find a nice place to hang it!
The mint quickly dried out, but it still looks nice.  Depending upon the herbs you choose to use, you could get a longer life out of your wreath.

Let me know if you try this!

Linked with: I Heart Nap Time, Positively Splendid, Heatherly Loves, Kayla Creations, Debbiedoo's, A Stroll Thru Life , The Thrifty Home, Beyond the Picket Fence


  1. AnonymousJune 09, 2012

    Great idea!

  2. Stopping by from Debbie's party. Your wreath is very cute. I have a ton of oregano that needs a haircut that I might try this with.

  3. I really like how your wreath turned out - and love how you were able to improvise! I'd love to try this with some lavende.

  4. Great idea and a natural air freshener

  5. Loves it! I can smell it from here too. I made one with bay leaves once and I really enjoyed it in the kitchen. Thanks for sharing with the newbie party.

  6. So clever. Love this idea. Thanks tons for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty
