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Outside Bench Redo

Another project finished! I bought a bench from our neighbor for $8 at a yard sale and gave it a face-lift. It needed a paint job and some tightening.

outside bench

I disassembled it, sanded the wood slats, spray painted the arms, primed and painted the slats, and then reassembled it. Jackson even helped his daddy tighten the nuts and bolts!

outside bench

outside bench
The bench doesn't even rock back and forth anymore, thanks to Jackson and Ryan! This is a nice place for us to sit off of the driveway to watch the boys ride their bikes and play.

You might find me linked with I Heart Nap Time, Positively Splendid, Heatherly Loves, Kayla Creations, Debbiedoo's, A Stroll Thru Life , The Thrifty Home, Beyond the Picket Fence


  1. AnonymousJune 23, 2012

    Great job! Don't you just love to find things like that at garage sales?

  2. great makeover. I have been looking for a bench for our front (little) porch...

  3. Great job...it looks terrific!

  4. Love the scrolls on the side. Great job on this bench. :)
