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I'm Back!

It has been a crazy couple of weeks in our household, especially for me.  I earned my health and life insurance license, which required a very intense online course and test through Alabama.  This was for a job that didn't end up working out, but I feel that it's leading me to better know what I want to do.  My husband won't let me count blogging as my full-time job, since I'm not making any money from it yet!

During all of this, Ryan's parents came to visit.  My favorite part of their trip was the little day trip we took up into Tennessee.

We have been wanting to check out Tims Ford lake, so we headed to the State Park.  By the time we got there, we were ready for lunch.  The people at the Visitors Center were so helpful, and we also picked up a bunch of brochures for other attractions in the area.  (I highly recommend doing this, even in your hometown.  It's amazing the amount of things to do that you might not even know about!  Plus, I know in Huntsville, they have discounts for a lot of the places.)  They mentioned a few towns, and Ryan and I recognized Tullahoma from buying our generator there after the April 27th tornadoes.  We've been meaning to go back and just haven't made it.

They had the cutest little downtown with a bunch of antique shops.  In the first place we went, the owner let the boys pick out little toys because he thought they were being so good.  (He didn't see Jackson trying to get into stuff upstairs!) 

I was inspired by a few things I saw and found some items to help me finish a few projects that I already have going.  I can't wait to share them with you!  Ryan found a bunch of belt buckles, which always makes him happy.  I also noticed that I'm succeeding in swaying him to my tastes in decorating :)

We also stopped in Lynchburg, Tennessee, home of Jack Daniels.  They had the cutest little downtown square!  We visited a few shops and talked to a nice man who told us about all of the family-friendly events they have there.  Contrary to what you might think, the county is dry.  It will definitely be a place to take the boys back to visit.

What kinds of spontaneous things have worked out for you?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Erin,

    We really enjoyed that road trip, too!

    Sally and Jack
