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Handprint Wall Art

As you know, I've been working on decorating our master bedroom. I've added a headboard, redone an armoire to use for scrapbooking, added some touches to an old rocking chair, and remade a bench. What I haven't done is touched the walls. This part always scares me, because I feel like when I hang something up it's so permanent with the nail you have to bang into the wall.

I don't remember where I saw the original idea that inspired this (probably pinterest), so if it looks familiar to you, let me know if I need to give you credit!

Using paint from our trim (luckily the builders left the remains at the house), I painted four canvases. When I went to the store, my intention was to buy the thicker canvases, but those were more expensive than I liked. I found some 8x8 flatter canvases that came in a 6-pack for less than it cost for one 8x10 thick canvas. I also liked the size of the 8x8 better for this project.

Then, the boys and Ryan used the paint from the headboard and bench to paint their hands and carefully put them on the canvas. I was surprised at how excited the boys got over this craft, and even Ryan seemed to be enjoying himself with the boys.

I wanted to to be a little different, so I envisioned the LOVE art with the black L, V, and E and the red heart for the O, which made me decide to find a pink paint for my hand print.  With fabric swatches in hand to get the right shade, I got a sample size at Lowe's to complete this part of the project.

I used mounting tabs to attach them to the wall.  They're not permanent, so I can take them down if I change my mind.

I might end up adding some kind of detail around it, like a frame, but I like it for now.  My walls aren't bare anymore!

You might find me linked with Adorned From AboveOrganize and Decorate Everything, Six Sisters' Stuff, I Heart Nap Time, Positively Splendid, Heatherly Loves, Kayla Creations, Debbiedoo's, A Stroll Thru Life , The Thrifty Home, Beyond the Picket Fence


  1. VERY nice..:)

    This is something that you'll always have of your children at that particular age

    When I read this I started laughing " it's so permanent with the nail you have to bang into the wall."

    Reason is that from the time my sister and I were young marrieds....xmas time gifts would often involve a picture or something to hang and my brother in law saying with a sigh "another nail in the wall "


  2. What a cute idea. I love it. Love the rocker too. Thanks so much for joining TTT. Hugs, marty

  3. Hi Erin...that is simply darling. Glad you shared with the newbie party. PLEASE add my link or button. We do weekly features and I can't feature if there is no links back to the party. Thanks.

  4. That is adorable and such a great idea! I love it. :)

  5. Sorry this is late, but better late then never. Thanks so much for sharing with last weeks with Wednesday's Adorned From Above. The link party is open now for this week.
    Debi Bolocofsky
