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Tacos Using Garden Staples

One of my friends suggested that I share some of the recipes that use my herbs and vegetables from our gardens.  Go {here} and {here} to check those out.  Of course, they look nothing like that now!  You can't even see the mulch because the plants have taken over.
While this is not an actual recipe, it is an easy way to use what you have grown (or buy from the store if you don't have a garden).
We do tacos and burritos on a pretty consistent basis in our house.  I have started using the recipe for Deceptively Delicious by Jessica Seinfeld, but you can do this with any taco meat.  

My boys know that pureed carrots are mixed in; it's my husband that I have to try to trick!  I also use ground turkey that I previously cooked in bulk and froze.  Go {here} for tips on that.
One of the suggestions she made was allowing the children to put their own toppings on their tacos.  Jackson can do it by himself, but we still assist Brady.  While they don't pick everything, they are more likely to eat their dinner because of the part they took in making it.
She has a list of suggested toppings, but I just use  whatever we have from the garden and in the fridge.  All of it goes on a tray that is easy to grab from while at the dinner table.
This tray included green onions, yellow and green bell peppers, and tomatoes from the gardens.  Those items were free, and we like free!  I also added corn that was left over from a previous meal, lettuce, salsa, and of course cheese.
The night we had this, I must have gotten the hang of the meat recipe, because everyone was gobbling their burritos down.  That included my husband, who is always skeptical when I use pureed veggies.
What other toppings do you use that your children like adding to their tacos and burritos?

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