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Yard Sale Finds

It's finally the start of yard sale season! Getting up and going put a big smile on my face for the day. Usually, Ryan and the boys stay home, and I tag along with my parents. But this morning, I went solo due to mom going to Goodwill's 50% off sale. Brady had his first baseball game this morning, which prevented me from traveling there.
They started off very slow. I stopped by an estate sale and bought a bundt cake pan and some old Coke bottles for a total of $3. Every once in a while, I seem to need one of those pans. I know I've seen so many cute ideas with the Coke bottles, but because I had the opportunity to buy a bunch of them, I couldn't remember anything off the top of my head. I bought three to at least have small vases for flowers.
I found a shoe rack for $5 and a shirt for $1 at my next two stops. Still not feeling it!
My last stop was where I hit the jackpot! I found an American table cloth to use for Independence Day, mailbox, and rotating shooter. These were all brand new! I hid the shooter to use as a present for Ryan. His friend has one, and he thinks it's the coolest thing. If that's what you're into!
I also got a croquet set, which I am very excited about for our boys in the backyard. It doesn't even look used and has all the pieces in the case.
I think my favorite find was an old suitcase for $2. I don't really have a purpose for it, but for some reason I just like them! The original total for all of this was $26. He came down to $25 on his own, and I was able to shave it down to $23.
I think my first day out was a success!
What did you find while out yard saling?


  1. Can I go shopping with you next time??? You have some awesome finds!! I have seen so many great projects using a vintage suitcase, I am sure you will rock it!!

    Thanks so much for joining in at Lets Get Social Sunday!!! I am off to follow in as many ways as possible!!


  2. Wow! I need to go yard saling too! Thanks for sharing! New fan from Sunday Social :)

    The Wondering Brain
