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Lots of Projects Lined Up

I've got a lot of projects that I am so excited to share.  Unfortunately, they just keep stacking up.  I am starting to realize how much extra time I had when Ryan and Jackson were at school!

I'll give you a quick preview of my planned projects.
The first one is a rocking chair that Ryan's mom rocked him in when he was a baby.  It was originally caned, but as caning seems to do, it came apart. The opening was covered with a piece of wood. The rocker is located in our master bedroom, so I want it to coordinate with the other things we have in there. I plan to make a pad for the middle of the rocker using the same material I used on a bench in the room. I also want to make a pillow for the back. I am hoping it will become more comfortable while coordinating with the room.
I picked up some bar stools at a yard sale; $50 for all three!  I couldn't even find one for $50 in the stores. I love the style of them, especially compared to what I've seen. They really are fine the color that they already are, but they don't flow with the rest of my house. We have light kitchen cabinets (as you can see in the background) and other wood furniture we have is a darker stain. I haven't decided whether I am going to go with a darker stain or will paint them black to match our counter tops and other black accents in the rest of the room.
This was one of my favorite scores! I've seen all of these repurposed pallets, so I've been scoping them out as I come across them. These happen to be from my neighbor across the street (for free!) who even carried them over to our driveway for me. I am hoping to use the pallets to make bookshelves for my boys' bedroom. They have a little nook that I am attempting to turn into a comfortable reading space for them. I have found plans to use, but I want to try it out before I share them with you!
I started my work on this bench today. Unfortunately, I forgot to take a before picture, so this is the best you're going to get! I also bought this from our neighbors at a yard sale for $8. I freshened up the metal with black satin spray paint and want to match the wood with the same brown shade from our shutters. I am hoping to sand the multiple coats of paint off of the wood and just repaint them.

I can't wait to show you the finished products!  Stay tuned...

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